2024-04-15 - Pump History and FWO permissions
  • Only administrators can push updates from workorder pumps to the pump record.
  • Users can now change FWO pump Reducer Serial numbers.
  • Updated pump history to have consistent order between pdf, print and web page.
2024-01-26 - Calendar Filter and FWO Report
  • Added status filter to calendar.
  • Added Expanded Equipment option to FWO report. Updated export to excel to match provided example.
2023-07-11 - FSC Update
  • Added Customer Default FSC to Customers tab.
  • Added FSC Enable toggle to th Equipment tab.
  • Added FSC Rates to Equipment Table of the FWO tab.
  • Added FSC to invoice prints.
2023-01-19 - Inventory Report
  • Added Inventory Report to reports page.
  • Added Inventory Reoprt excel export.
2022-09-12 - COD Customer Setting
  • Added COD checkbox setting on customers page.
  • Added Warnings when creating a dispatch for COD customer.
  • Added Warnings when creating a workorder for COD customer.
  • Updated permissions: user are unable to create workorders for COD customers. Managers and Admins are able to create workorders for COD customers.
  • Managers are now able to use the Pumpjack history button.
2022-08-05 - Label Change
  • Changed "location" label to "surface location" on workorders and on pumjacks page.
2022-07-11 - Application Update
  • Added ability to transfer inspections from one pupjack to another.
  • Added Pumpjack report to reports page.
  • Added pumpjack excel export.
  • Updated Mailing library.
2022-05-16 - Inspection Report
  • Removed "Waiting for Parts" and "Pending" from calendar legend.
  • Added Surface Location to inspection report, both online and excel versions.
2022-03-09 - Packing Slip
  • Added Packing Slip print option to field work order page.
  • Packing Slip will not show pricing for euqipment and materials.
2022-03-08 - Minor Update
  • Added Structure Serial number to pumpjack section on work order print.
2022-03-01 - Minor Update
  • Emails sent from the system will be sent from ar@redheadlift.com
2022-02-23 - Changes
  • Added Rejected Order Status
  • Added check all status option on Field Work Order Search Report
  • Allowed users to create new pumpjacks and enter serial number information
  • Users can now set maintenance and inspection schedules and dates for work order pumpjacks.
  • Users can add notes to work order pumpjacks.
  • Removed 2Z filed on work orders and approve dialogs.
2022-02-09 - Changes
  • FWO's
    • Added approver fields.
    • Added Archive option and show archived.
    • Enabled History and Print for all FWO's.
    • Added new filters to FWO search report.
    • Added new FWO Status.
  • Pumpjacks
    • Added history to pumpjacks page. Showing all FWO and Inspections associated with the pumpjack.
    • Added export to Excel and PDF for pumpjack history.
  • Calendar
    • Updated colours on Dispatch calendar.
  • Reports
    • Updated FWO report information.
    • Updated Inspection report Excel
  • Workflow Process
    • Created FWO's start as 'Pending' or 'Waiting for Parts'
    • FWO are changed to 'In Progress'
    • Once a FWO is complete users changes status to 'Completed', users can cancel completed sending it back to 'In Progress'
    • Managers and Admins can then change completed FWO's to 'Reviewed'
    • Once reviewed managers or Admins can send FWO's out for approval, automatically changing it to 'Out for Approval'
    • Manager and Admins can manually approve or regect a FWO or wait for the client to approve/reject. Approvals and Rejections are logged in the FWO history
    • Once approved no changes may be made to Equipment or Parts
    • Managers and Admins can set approved FWO's to 'Invoiced'.
2021-11-12 - Changes
  • Added Branches page under Administration.
  • Added Branch filters to Dispatch, FWOs, and Reports pages.
  • Added Branch selections to Users, and FWOs.
  • Added Branch prefix to FWOs if Branch has been assisgned to FWO.
  • Updated permissions:
    • Added Manager Level
    • Managers can view/edit Dispatches, Users, FWOs, Inspections, Reports, and Profile.
    • Managers can view customers information, customers pumpjacks, and edit customers contacts
    • Managers can view equipment, pumpjacks and inventory.
    • Managers do not have access to Administration pages.
    • Users can now create FWOs.
    • Users can now view pending FWOs that they have created on the FWOs page.
2021-09-16 - Changes
  • Input fields set as accepting numbers only will now also accept negatives, and can be flipped between positive and negative by pressing the '-' key.
  • Work Orders will start recording history events when they are created, and when the status changes on the order. This history can be viewed through a new history page accessed from the order page control button.
2021-07-14 - Changes
  • Work Orders are no longer changeable by non-administrator user accounts if they are set to completed, approved or invoiced status.
  • Non-administrator users can no longer set work orders to the 'Invoiced' status.
  • Inspections on Orders that have completed, approved or invoiced status will no longer be editable by non-administrators.
2021-06-14 - Changes
  • Added a new status for work orders - Approved - which is between Completed and Invoiced states.
  • Moved all orders set to Invoiced to the new status value.
  • Resolved an issue on the Order Search report that prevented the statuses from remaining selected.
2021-06-01 - Changes
  • Order number is now displayed on the scheduled items in the calendar, just below the customer name.
2021-04-30 - Changes
  • Generating a PDF print version of a Field Work Order will now also include any attached inspections into the same document.
  • On the inspection report, only the first 2 options are checked by default instead of defaulting to all options when first loading the report.
  • There is a new Print Inspection button on the Inspection report which will compile all inspections displayed on the report into a PDF file. It will take awhile to generate the PDF file depending on the number of inspections on the report, and might be limited to a maximum number based on available memory.
2021-04-29 - Changes
  • Added count to legend label for all items in the inspection report pie chart.
  • Added print logo to print display of the website, with date printed.
  • Added comments for each inspection to the bottom of the table.
  • Inspection report can now be filtered by full or partial area name.
  • Charts will now appear before each customer's inspection data.
  • Charts can now be hidden with a new checkbox on the Inspection report.
  • Added a thicker top border to inspection report rows to separate inspections from each other.
2021-04-14 - Changes
  • MPDF and PHPMailer libraries have been moved to a different directory to make updating application include files easier.
2021-04-08 - Changes
  • Administrators can now specify which inspection items require notes to be entered when selected and the inspection will enforce these rules when being filled out.
  • Pump Size is now displayed in Inspection print copy.
  • Instances of 'Pump' appearing on Field Work Order have been changed to 'Pumpjack'.
  • Instances of 'Pump' appearing on the dispatch dialog have been changed to 'Pumpjack'.
2021-04-01 - Changes
  • Forgot Password page is now active.
  • Saving an inspection should now update the correct pump.
  • When saving a field work order, if the order is moved to a state that allows a pump to be updated, then the maintenance and inspection dates for that pump will be updated if applicable.
  • Inspection pump now labelled as 'pumpjack'.
  • Added a new Order Status - Invoiced - which appears after 'Completed'.
  • Pump search dialog now presents 'Unit #' as a searchable type.
2021-01-28 - Changes
  • Driver information should display on the Inspection print copy.
  • Resolved issue with the size prefix not loading into the correct field on the work order pump info dialog immediately after saving an order.
  • The first size field for pumps now allow up to 4 characters to be entered.
2020-12-14 - Changes
  • Optimized the way pump data is retrieved to prevent duplication of queries.
  • Added a Unit # to pump records. This is used internally.
  • Pump Unit # can be updated or entered via the FWO form by administrators.
  • When saving a pump, the structure serial and size pair will now be checked for uniqueness instead of just the structure serial by itself.
2020-11-13 - Changes
  • Resolved an issue where user accounts were attempting to access an old table definition for inspection techs which was removed when the inspections were changed to link directly to a work order. This should resolve issues where the inspection dropdown was empty or with problems saving changes to inspections for non-admin accounts.
  • Equipment Unit # field increased to allow up to 15 characters.
2020-11-12 - Changes
  • If the current year is outside of the range for the min/max years loaded into the selection box on the orders page, the range will be expanded to cover the current year. This will ensure that the correct year selection is displayed if the user opens the orders page during a month which does not have a FWO.
  • Structure Serial check during pump update on Field Work Order save will now correctly display an error if the serial number is a duplicate assigned to another pump, even if the pump being entered is a custom pump.
  • Last Inspection date will now update on pumps through the inspection page. If the inspection being saved has a newer inspection date, the pump will be updated with the date of the inspection.
  • After adding a pump to a FWO, the new record ID will be assigned to the pump data so that you can immediately create an inspection for that pump from the order page.
  • LSD field of locations will now accept non-numeric characters and is no longer formatted to be a number.
  • Cost and Price field size increased on Inventory page.
2020-11-09 - Changes
  • Pumps that are on an order that have been entered as a new pump, but not transferred to a matching pumpjack record, will now display an alert icon so that the user knows that pump is not tracked until they check off the update box.
  • Inspection print copy should now be displaying location information in the correct fields.
2020-08-26 - Changes
  • 'Hours' column on Field Work Order page's equipment section now reads 'Units'
  • FWO# should now display on the order information dialog when clicking on an order in the dispatch calendar.
2020-07-02 - Changes
  • Location verification during save process on work orders should now display the exact location label in cases where multiple location checks could fail so that the user knows what to correct before attempting to save again.
  • Location verification during save process on work orders should now display the exact location label in cases where multiple location checks could fail so that the user knows what to correct before attempting to save again.
  • Failed save procedure during a new work order process should now reload the temporary pump data back into the form after displaying the save error to the user.
  • Added additional catch to prevent duplicate error messages from displaying when verifying pump locations.
2020-07-02 - Changes
  • Customers can now have a custom list of contacts. This is configured on the customers page by an administrator and these contacts will be available for selection on the dispatch dialog and the field work order page. Users can continue to enter custom contact information if the contact is not in the list.
2020-06-30 - Changes
  • Field Work Orders now allow a user to upload an image with a pump, for both new and existing pumps.
  • You should be able to add more than one custom pump to a field work order now.
2020-06-29 - Changes
  • Inspections can now be printed in PDF format.
2020-06-23 - Changes
  • Equipment on work orders can now be given an hours value and a rate, which will be used in the total calculation. Default rates can be set up in the equipment page.
  • Users can no longer see or modify pricing on the order page.
  • Field Work Orders can now be printed in PDF format.
  • Multiple instances of the same equipment can now be added to a field work order, rather than restricting it to one entry per equipment record. You can also specify the date the equipment was used.
2020-04-29 - Changes
  • Phone number stored on the work order should now appear in the tech notification email.
  • Confirmation dialog when deleting an inspection should be presented to the user before deleting the inspection.
  • Downhole location should be transferred to the pumpjack record from the field work order when selecting to update the pumpjack.
  • When creating or updating a pumpjack from a field work order, the pumpjack's location should be set to the pumpjack location on the order and not the order's location.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause dispatching a pre-existing pump to fail.
  • When moving an order from pending, the selected year and month dropdowns will now select the correct values of the assigned date on the order.
  • Empty structure serial numbers can now be entered on multiple pumpjacks. Only pumpjacks with entered values are checked for uniqueness.
  • Work Orders are now listed in descending order by order number on the Field Work Orders page.
2020-04-16 - Changes
  • Resolved an issue with the Field Work Order email field being bumped to the next line on larger screen resolutions.
  • Jackshaft size on the work order form should now save alphanumeric values and no longer try to cast them as numbers.
  • Inspection page should now show the complete field entry for size fields and no longer force them to a numeric value.
  • Pump search LSD field now cast to a numeric value for searching so that '02' and '2' return the same results.
  • Land location field group now restricts range field to 2 characters instead of 3.
  • Refactoring pump data form into a single generator to ensure that all instances of the form function exactly the same across multiple pages.
  • Reducer Sheave on the pump data page can now be stored as an alphanumeric value.
  • Jackshaft input/output are now stored as alphanumeric values in the pump data tables.
  • Reducer Sheave, Jackshaft Input and Output are now alphanumeric values on the Field Work Order to match the pump data.
  • Added 2 weight and quantity fields to the pump data table and implemented the ability to save and load this data from the pumpjack page.
  • Weight information is now displayed and stored with each pump on a Field Work Order.
  • Location data added to work order pump data, and information from existing pump or work order record was copied over.
  • Pump location and downhole information is now saved with the work order pump data.
  • Inspection page no longer has a changeable downhole location. This information is stored in the pumpjack from the work order.
  • Pump search dialog now utilizes a promise system for returning results to allow dialogs initialized from the search to retain scroll focus.
  • Pumpjacks added to a dispatch can now be removed before creating the field work order.
  • Added the contact phone number to the work order email message sent to technicians.
  • Adjusted inspection report category tables to each have their own individual responsive scrolling areas for smaller screen resolutions.
  • Adjusted minimum width of columns on the search dialog.
2020-03-27 - Changes
  • Added error message alerting user that they cannot delete a pump that has been used on a work order instead of displaying the foreign key constraint error message.
  • Jackshaft tab on inspection now shows the correct value for the input sheave.
  • Pumpjack Drive Sheave now accepts alphabetical characters on both the pumpjack page and field work order.
  • Pump Sheave Length can now store alphabetical characters on both the pumpjack and work orders pages.
  • Jackshaft Size now accepts alphabetical characters on both the pumpjack and field work order pages.
  • Phone number is now stored on the work order and can be passed through the dispatch creation dialog.
  • Location input fields will now left pad data for each section of the location.
  • Pumps can now be removed from a Field Work Order. This will also remove any inspections associated with that pump.
  • Inspections should be loading the comments back into the inspection when re-viewing.
  • Performed a complete site pass to improve layout in tablet resolutions.
  • Parts list on the field work order no calculates a total for each row as well as displaying a grand total at the bottom of the item list.
2020-03-23 - Tablet Resolution Adjustments
  • Adjusted class assignment to different elements on the Pumpjacks and Field Work Orders page layouts to provide more space for data entry on smaller screen resolutions.
2020-03-10 - Image Uploads and Downhole Location
  • Uploading an image to a pump that contains spaces in the filename will now be transferred to the correct directory and the image will display on the site.
  • When creating a new inspection, the pump's downhole location will be preloaded into the inspection report.
2020-02-03 - Multi-Pump Work Orders
  • Work Orders can now be created with multiple pumps attached.
2020-01-29 - User Feedback
  • Structure Serial number is now displayed in the pump search dialog results.
2019-07-30 - Development Site
  • Initial setup of development environment